New apartment = Chins get their own room! :)

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Chinchilla maid ;)
Dec 1, 2010
Central NY
We moved into our new apartment on May 28th and the chins finally get their own room! It's so nice. We have AC and we also put in an in-the-room AC unit.

From close to far wall: Morris, Scruffy, Nibbler & Ramble


AC unit

I have a room set aside for our guys too. It is nice! Especially if we have an escape artist! You have a nice set up and very good looking chinchillas! You can tell they are well cared for and loved!
NICE SET UP!!! I love my QC Mansion, switching to an FN just to make more space in my bedroom (2 chins can't live together). Have you ever had a problem with your chins falling from the top shelves? I always worry about the giant space in the middle, and so I use on shelf to go across the center of the cage to prevent falling.
I have a room set aside for our guys too. It is nice! Especially if we have an escape artist! You have a nice set up and very good looking chinchillas! You can tell they are well cared for and loved!

I agree. It is great. Wiggles tends to dash out of his cage when I open the door to give him hay. Thank you! :))
NICE SET UP!!! I love my QC Mansion, switching to an FN just to make more space in my bedroom (2 chins can't live together). Have you ever had a problem with your chins falling from the top shelves? I always worry about the giant space in the middle, and so I use on shelf to go across the center of the cage to prevent falling.
Thank you. :)

I don't think any of them have ever fallen before. I do worry about it sometimes. I may get ledges for the middle like you have in the future.

I do like the FN cage look, but I spent so much on these set ups that I don't think I would just change them. I may get one for Scruffy in the future though because his cage is the only one that is short and has to be picked off of the bottom pan.
I'd just save yourself some money, and maybe take another ledge andmover it over towards the center. I have 2 back up cages just like yours, and have never had any problems with anyone getting hurt. You could also put a hammock half way in the middle too.
If they pee in them, they are using them! LOl Better yet, when they take the stitching out, and crawl inside, and poo! Reminds me of a baby who needs a diaper change!
The only reason I'm switching to the FN is because I don't have room for 2 big cages in my room. Gonna miss using my QC. Set up does look great!

Thank you. :)

I don't think any of them have ever fallen before. I do worry about it sometimes. I may get ledges for the middle like you have in the future.

I do like the FN cage look, but I spent so much on these set ups that I don't think I would just change them. I may get one for Scruffy in the future though because his cage is the only one that is short and has to be picked off of the bottom pan.
Scruffy is coming to live with me...what a ham!!!!! They look like some super spoiled and happy boys :).
Nice set up for your chinnies!!! It's nice when they have their own room. I have three chinchillas with two FN's (one boy and two girls) and I set them up in my spare bedroom :D So, if somebody wants to visit, they will have to bunk up with the chinnies!! lol