New and safe products for the babies??

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
Hello, just a couple things, wondering how healthy and good that dried marigolds are for chins?? Noticed that oxbow timothy hay also has them mixed in with the hay. Also one more thing, has any one heard or tried the dandelion drops? Forgot the brand that makes them but they say pacificly for chins. Tha;)nks for any info!
I wouldn't get the hay with the marigolds mixed in. I don't know if specifically they're harmful, but I stick to the regular hay with no mix ins.

As for the dandelion drops, even though it says they're for chins , they shouldn't be given to them. The first ingredient in them is sugar. As chins can't digest sugar, those are not a good treat. Maybe try rosehips or dried rosebuds instead.
Imo i thing that dried marigold will not do any harm as for the drops why you don't try to give them the dandelion roots is the naturall way for the chins to get the benefits of dandelion plus you encourage them to chew... :wacko: