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Feb 4, 2009
I told quite a few people in chat and just never got the time to take pictures. At the 2011 CA State show, I purchased a very large black velvet female from Diamond Blue. I am in love with her and just couldn't leave the show without her. She loves to be held and cuddled and she's just a sweetie. Since my black velvets are a coffee theme, her name is DD (Dunkin Donuts) and also because I'm sure she is a DD in chinnie sizes.



Then, my black velvet girl, Toffee Nut. She was one of the 19 first place black velvets at the show. They used her as the key and she "knocked off" all of Diamond Blue's blacks, and other blacks from Shoots lines, Somavia and Bowen. She ended up losing out in the end to Gary's bv because she's only 8 months old and just not quite finished enough.



And some photos for fun! Here is Ripley with her new man, Token.

Then, Jackson hamming it up. He also took a 1st at the State show but didn't go further because of size.



Lastly! Many of you may remember my last baby of 2010...Wyllow (Z33). She is doing absolutely amazing and gets cuter every day! She is super dark and super dense and just barely 2 months old. Needless to say, this little lady is staying here!



They're too cute! I had/have a pair of rabbits named Dunkin and Donut. Donut passed away though. So now we call him the Dunkinator.
Your girls are beautiful! And I'm amazed at their size! @_@
She is so pretty! Wyllow is so cute. What a pretty baby face. Who is a bigger ham, Toffee or Jackson?
There she is! I think that chin was drugged - she was way too calm... or maybe just overly fat. lol

Aww, Wyllow is just adorable! I like her nose... hahaha
DD is beautiful and I remember her from the show. How nice her personality is as beautiful as she is. Loved all the other pictures as well but baby Willow is so sweet with those fuzzy ears and little nose.
Thanks everyone! I'm pretty happy with the herd I've built over the years.

Cindy-Jackson is more of a ham...he NEEDS attention or he's just absolutely sure he will die. Toffee could care less, she just likes to pose cause she knows she's a hottie. :neener:

Kristy-You do sapphires! This lady is for my fatty blacks and probably one of the last additions to the black lines.

Sumiko-you missed her sleeping on Donna and myself after getting her belly washed. The world just terrifies her and apparently people are safe and good hiding places, lol!

Luci-I knew you'd love Wyllow. You're a sucker for the little black nose. I should get some pics of Mug for you soon. The stinker gave me a heart attack last night. He was splayed on his back in the middle of the cage and I yelled at him and he didn't move. So I opened the cage screaming at him and he came flying out at my face. He's a bad baby...
DD is one big and healthy mama!! She really is beautiful!
OMG, Tab! I am in love with all of your chins!!! They are so beautiful...and little Wyllow just melts my heart!!