Neutering a chinchilla

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
Johnson City, TN
I haven't had much experience with neutering chinchillas, okay well, none. However, recently VIA a customer it has come to my attention and I was wondering about how much it costs and is it safe? Thanks!
You'll have to call the exotic vets in your area to find a price. Any surgery is a risk to the animal. The smaller the animal, the higher the risk. Make sure whatever vet does the surgery is experienced or well versed in chinchillas before letting them do the surgery. My chin vet has performed several neuters for me and all of them went very well and the males recovered perfectly. It mostly depends on the vet you have performing the surgery.
That's what she said.

It's all about the vet... I know of several people who have done it very successfully.
Thanks guys, I guess i'll call around then. I've got a friend who's chin recently died (she had two, now only has one) and it was one I sold her a long time ago, but I am going to be giving her another and she said she may want a male but doesn't want to breed.