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Feb 4, 2009
Nessy is a standard female that I bred. She is currently VERY heavily pregnant and probably due in a week or so. This girl is special for me because her dam was one of my favorite chinchillas and unfortunately she died earlier this year. :( Nessy is the one and only baby I ever got from Lessa and while I'm excited for her babies (both Lessa and Nessy took Class Champion at the CA ECBC Spring Field Day) I'm also really worried. She's getting huge!



"Me? Fat?"

And then just a cute picture I snapped of two of the recent babies. The surviving kit from the ebony triplets, the little ebony girl and Mulberry, a standard female from Maple's litter.
She is so pretty! (and the babies are too)
I hope she has a easy delivery and healthy babies :)

out of curiosity, how much does she weigh?
She is about 950g at the moment. Normally she stays around 800g or just over it so she's gained a good amount of weight so far. :D
Well she holds her weight well. She is big and beautiful.

She doesn't have the rolls that most of the super sized chins have. :p We'll just blame it all on baby weight. :D
Nessy is a cutie--and she's not fat just blocky! lol! Keeping good thoughts for you and Nessy, Tab
Thanks, everyone! Nessy had her baby yesterday and it's a healthy, beautiful little girl! Thankfully...all her weight gain was just because she was feeling the need for some chunk! The new little girl is named Sasquatch (Sassy for short) and she's got some HUGE back feet! I'm glad my momma only had one so she'll have an easy first litter to raise. :hearts: