Neeed immediate advice-maybe balance/neural issue

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New member
Jul 10, 2010

I read these forums a lot but thuis is my first need to post. I am a small hobby breeder. I hve a two weeks old dark ebony tov kit. His mother, although she has had a previous litter and fed them very adequatley, was not able to feed this little guy. Her nipples come close to birth were so dry they werepeeling and bleeding in areas/also scaling. I used vitamin E oil. Upon birth, she made milk, but the ducts were not properley healed to deliver the milk except in one lower nipple, which rareley held milk, and the milk was of very poor quality ( Looked just like clear tap water, little tiny bit milky). He was 41 g at birth.

Upon the third day of seeing that she did not produce milk, although he rooted from his first hour, and she mothered him in every other way, I began my devekloped regimen of feeding. I use a mixture of critical care, powdered goats milk, and also baby ceral with DHA. He liked it and has done well. He was almost 80 g two days ago. He has always from birth had LOTS of energy, and likes to run around a LOT and is very friendly, however his tail is very small. It strikes me as abnormally small, and his father is a very good stock, he is a JAGS rbony tov, mother is ebony mosaic who is normal. As he grew, he seems to look like a round little puffball with this tiny tail that curls twice in a tiny little curl.

He never gave any issues about eating, and hasbeen very active, no problems with pooping or anything.

Yesterday, upon one of his feedings, I noticed he seemd to go limp in my hand. Seconds ago he was normal. His head leanes to the right to the point he will actually fall ovr and lay on that side. He started to seem very VERY disorientated when it came to walking, wanting to go around and around in clockwise circles, and then when stopping would again lay down on this side or cock his head extremeley to that side. I became very worris and sad. I am keeping him I had planned this breeding and hoped for him for a year and love him so much.

There is no bleeding. His appetite, despite any of this, is completeey normal. When he started this yestrday afternoon, after observing him and checking his lims and neck to make sure something didnt break somehow ( I always hold him in a towel, he never runs around outside or goes near ANYTHING that might harm him), once seeing things were not broke and he shoed no cries or body language at all of pain, I placed him with his mother.

When I put him in their cage ( it is a big maternity cage, they have a homemade wooden house, and also a huge tube ) h ran away from her, went to the back of his tube, and for the first time, he started "kaking" like they do when they thinjk they have to wearn others or are frightned. I sat and watched though the screen, and he sat at the back of the tube, and immediatley as he attemped to walk forward, he went to that side, it ws like i you think of a car turning or turning involuntarily, I could see he knew it wasnt right but he had yo turn, and then he fell, did a roll like they do in the dust, and again laid on his side. I picked him up and put him by his mother, and she has been crying and sitting on him ever since. He lays on his side.

This morning it was worse. Yesterday at least he was trying to move and or compensate for whatever balanc problem it is ( if that is what it is ). Now, as of early morning, he just lays under mom, when I pick him up he does not atempt to make a move at all and srtays in the same position. His heart rate has not been changed at all. He is not moving but he will eat and is still hungry when I feed him ( I hand feed), but has also lost weight. Yestrday his weight, at 2 weeks, was 77g. Today right now is 72 despite the feedings, and I have caught him yesterday even after this happened when I placed him in the hole eating timpothy hay and his tradition, so I dont know when, but I do know he has been eating regular food. I do know he is small, as any kits I have gain much more weight but i think the hand feeding has to do with this.

Also yesterday was the first day his "ears opened" where they stopped being folded to the side of his head and stick out now and are open.

I did some eye tests and he does not react AT ALL to stimulation like hands, or objects, near his right eye. He responded with his left.

I am aware that a vet mioght know, and I am not looking for people to tell me that. A baby this young with these symptoms if it is not something he will get over this is not worth having a vet diagnose because he wouldnt make it through the procedure of finding outk, especially if this had to do with his brain.

I am asking if ANYONE has ever had any balance problems with their kits or chins or had extreme physical changes at about two weeks where something happened and they died?

I am asking because I generally read that if thry live for the first week, they will make it. I know their are always exceptions ( I have had some) . On the off chance someone experienced may have ANY advice for me, I would be very happy to recieve it. Thank you.
I am asking because I generally read that if thry live for the first week, they will make it.

First, no, that's not at all true. At any time any chinchilla can die for any reason. There is no "out of the woods" with kits, there's just hope that they continue to grow and thrive.

Second, my guess is he's not going to survive. Whatever happened may have happened before birth, he could have aspirated formula, he could have developed an infection, or he could have had damage during birth that is just now catching up to him. The only way the vet could help is if it was an ear infection (or other bacterial infection), and the odds of it being this at his age are pretty slim. I would say keep him comfortable and warm. If he eats, feed him, but I doubt he will last much longer.

This is my own personal opinion, due to experiences I have had here.
heloo agian. I know he will die. I am just trying to find a way to have it not happen. There is nothing wrong with his ears, as today evening he is worse, only lying there and now has stopped eating. I also noticed a huge bulge. I pressed on it a tiny bit and pee came out. He was retaining how much pee I dont know. I relieved him which helped him but also showed other problems like he has internal pain and something inside is wrong you are right. His ears are not infected unless it is an invidible infection, and painless one at that... I will rememberwhat you said tunes because too many sites say this thing that once they live a week they will usually be fine and it is heartbreaking. This is of course not the first time but this was going to be a keeper for me and I really am heartbroken, but that is part of the job. Thank you all who did post to me.
Also yesterday was the first day his "ears opened" where they stopped being folded to the side of his head and stick out now and are open

This doesn't make sense to me...

No one can tell you anything, the chin needs a vet. It is possible that baby has an ear infection, especially if the mom had some sort of infection that you didn't see, possibly why she didn't get milk.

I'm not sure if you were milking this chin, but chin milk, like breast milk, is not white like whole milk you buy in the store. Especially not the colostrum milk, which is very thin and full of nutrients.

No the mother litteraly could not make milk because when she was getting close to having the baby, and she never had this before with her oitters, the tips of her nipples were very dry and had scabs n them. Come time to nurse, she couldnt produce milk so I handfed him. Anyways, I am figuring this was a biorth problem as he was found pased away an hour ago under his mother. He had been retaining his urine for the last 24 hours, and also, though he grew, he never got longer or bigger, just fater, like his tail, rms, and legs, feet, hands, etc, all stayed the same size and never grew.His weight was all in the tummy and his tail was so short there was something no normal from the strt but i think tunes is right that maybe this was soething that deeloped when he was inside.

Prt of this is having this happen sometimes and if anyone is reading this and wants to breed for money or cos they think it is cute- DONT. You o it to improve the chinchilla and you will have heartbreak not just happiness all the time. I planned him with this breeding for a year, got the 7% chance mutation I had hoped of, and this happened, it is life and although I feel horrible, it was obvious he was dying now that I think about how fst, sudden, and extremeley intense this happened. Thanks everyone. Good Luck.
There is nothing wrong with his ears
This is still not making any sense to me. First you say his ears didn't "open"... then you say there's nothing wrong, and really unless you have an otoscope there may have been something wrong in the ear.

Chins nipples, actually pretty much all animals nipples, "wax" before they give birth. This is normal.

You say it was fast and sudden, but that baby chin was suffering for at least three days... to the point it could not even urinate.... that is not fast or sudden.
Nicole...I think she meant that his ears were starting to take shape. You know how the babies' ears are usually flat against their heads when they are born? Then after a week or two the ears start to stiffen a bit and take shape? The ears are open the whole time...they just are a bit flimsy in the beginning...I think that's what she meant, but I could be wrong.

Sometimes baby chins have problems that prevent them from growing. I'm sorry you lost him.