Hardcore Fleece Addict
Hi guys, I have a bit of a situation. I've been looking for a male chin for a possible cagemate for zim, but then I realized I would prefer to have them separate so there wouldn't be a chance for possible fights. There really areent any places here in Dallas to get chins except Petsmart, and I wanted a chin that I could see the environment he grew up in.
I did find a breeder several hours away, then I happened upon some chinchilla kits for sale nearby and I called the person to get more information. Turns out she has a 3 month old kit and some even younger. She said she got her first chin from her stepdaughter who almost killed it by leaving it in a deathball unattended. She talked about baby proofing the cages for kits and making sure they had plenty of space to jump and play in their cages and she sounded like she knew what she was talking about,. Then I asked her about food.
She feeds them Kaytee Chinchillla because she says it has a good 'variety' and they won't get 'bored' with it like regular pellets. For treats she gives them raisins and froot loops. I could just feel myself cringe. She has agreed for me to go in person and see them tomorrow and see what they're living like. She sounded like a nice person, just misinformed, and I feel bad for those little guys. She told me she was working two jobs AND breeding chins and that she didn't have much time to spend with them anymore and I guess I'm torn now. Do I get the chin from the breeder where I know he's getting proper food and know the history or save the one that's being fed crappy food and may not have much info on history? I'm such a softie I know. I know I can't save them all I just wanted to tell someone that would understand. I know I'm still learning a lot here from you guys and I think I take good care of my guys because of it. Just not sure what to do.
I did find a breeder several hours away, then I happened upon some chinchilla kits for sale nearby and I called the person to get more information. Turns out she has a 3 month old kit and some even younger. She said she got her first chin from her stepdaughter who almost killed it by leaving it in a deathball unattended. She talked about baby proofing the cages for kits and making sure they had plenty of space to jump and play in their cages and she sounded like she knew what she was talking about,. Then I asked her about food.
She feeds them Kaytee Chinchillla because she says it has a good 'variety' and they won't get 'bored' with it like regular pellets. For treats she gives them raisins and froot loops. I could just feel myself cringe. She has agreed for me to go in person and see them tomorrow and see what they're living like. She sounded like a nice person, just misinformed, and I feel bad for those little guys. She told me she was working two jobs AND breeding chins and that she didn't have much time to spend with them anymore and I guess I'm torn now. Do I get the chin from the breeder where I know he's getting proper food and know the history or save the one that's being fed crappy food and may not have much info on history? I'm such a softie I know. I know I can't save them all I just wanted to tell someone that would understand. I know I'm still learning a lot here from you guys and I think I take good care of my guys because of it. Just not sure what to do.