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Hello, just a question on sumthing im abit puzzled on! My chinchilla gave birth 2 weeks ago and she had 2 little girls :) i was just wondering if she and the Kits could be put into a cage with her other 2 daughters who are 8 months old now? ive put them together and it was fine, no complications at all but i didnt want to leave them caged up without some advice.
Any tips will help me greatly ;)
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I would not. Let mom take care of her current babies, and don't stress them by introducing them to more animals. The kits could accidently get jumped on/trampled etc.
Nope, definitely not. The older siblings could easily turn on the younger and kill them. Keep them separate and let mom take care of the little ones.
I would wait until the babies are a bit older. Mom can sometimes get either protective or neglectful when situations change. Not to mention, you don't know how the other girls will react to the babies and may attack them.
okie dokies then :) at what age could you put them all together?
They should be O.K. after weaning - Mom will be tired of them and they'll have new playmates!!