Oh I know you were. Thanks for saying something about that though - it didn't really come to mind but it put in my head to really make sure the male isn't not getting milk.
RDZC - I was sort've thinking the same.. She had just gotten over a very minor case of bloat a few days before she passed, so I didn't know if it still would've caused her death.
I'd have a vet look and see why she died, but I don't think I could get my mother to allow it. She'd have a cow and break down again. (I still have her body.. she's wrapped and in a sealed box until we figure out if the owner we rent this house from WILL let us bury something in the backyard.) Worse comes to worse and he says no..we'd just bury her in the box, and in some sort of flower pot until we move? (I know this sounds morbid, I'm sorry.)