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i lost rat today(she was my first chin, and my most beautiful one). i'm not exactly sure what happened to her, she was fine until yesterday night after i cleaned her cage. while i was cleaning it my younger brother(who is 16) held her and when he let her back in her clean cage last night she just wasn't herself. she was only 3yrs old. my vet offered to see what could've happened but she was like my baby and i just want to put her to rest like i do my other furry babies when they pass. it's going to be very hard not seeing her every morning when i get up, she had the most beautiful coat i've ever seen on a chin and such a cooky personality.
So sorry for your loss :( I can't even imagine what you're going through. we're all here for support.
Take comfort in knowing you will see her again some day at The Rainbow Bridge, and until then, she will be with you, curled up in a corner of your heart, for the moments you most need her.
thank you all so much. i'd had her since she was 10wks old and i loved her so much.
I'm so sorry you lost your chin, especially a loss that was so quick with no prior warning. She sounds like a very special chin and I'm sure had a great 3 years of life with you. May she r.i.p.
I would have done the necropsy. It's possible your brother may have held her too tightly when he had her last night and injured something or made her too warm, or it could have been something contagious. If she wasn't acting "right" you should have gotten her to a vet.

I'm sorry for your loss. R.I.P. Rat