Need ideas for my leftover fleece

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I recently made my own liners and I don't have enough to make another set out of the fleece that I have and I have already made a few hammocks and some tube covers. I still have quite a bit left and I don't know what to do with it.

If anyone has an ideas, perhaps instructions with photos would be awesome. Thanks everyone!:thumbsup:
Make a cuddle pillow! Just a simple 7" by 7" square, sew three sides and half of the fourth side, turn it inside out, stuff with a lot of fleece scraps, and invisible stitch that puppy up! My girl absolutely LOVES her pillows and constantly sits on them because they are somehow better than the fleece-over-towel thing.
Maybe a hay bag? this is the best picture I can find of the hay bag I made.. you can see it to the left in the background.


I also made a fleece house for 2 of my chins. I don't have any pictures of the most recent one I made though. They managed to chew the fleece on one of the pieces that was keeping it up so now I have to figure out how I'm going to fix it to put it back in the cage, lol.

here is a picture of the first one I made though. I improved this 'design' by putting a circular piece of plastic between the fabric on the bottom for support as you can see this one sags, haha. But the bottom is also stuffed with fleece for added comfort :)


If you have any questions or anything.. don't hesitate to PM me. I'll try to help out as best as I can. I really just experimented and got better as I made things over and over.
Thanks for the ideas guys. I think I will make a couple pillows and a few hay bags. I really like the house that you made and I would love to make 2 if I have enough fleece. I was wondering if you could give me the list of the instructions. I could probably figure it out but I want to make it perfect the first time and not have to go buy more fleece. :)
Let me go ahead and try get down all the measurements for the house thats pictured and the other one I did as well as instructions and i'll try to PM that to you later this evening. Its not to hard to figure out if your crafty and all.
I was going to say...make some PBs or Cuddle Buddies. Those are pretty easy (or so I have been told) and the chins like them a lot. :D

I'm considering getting every male, who is by himself, a cuddle buddy. From what I have seen it helps them, err, work off some of the energy they have. :D
I'm considering getting every male, who is by himself, a cuddle buddy. From what I have seen it helps them, err, work off some of the energy they have.
O you know they will like those cuddle buddies.

Its not to hard to figure out if your crafty and all.
I'm not very crafty so I would like detailed instructions if possible. :thumbsup:
Bam.Bam, could you PM me the measurements for the house and the hay holder too? I LOVE the one you made him!