Need help with Special Studies proposal!

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So here's a jist of what I am looking to accomplish. I am having to write a proposal of a project/essay to do to be able to get into an animal science "Special Studies" class. And of course I want to to also do something on chinchillas :thumbsup:. There's just so many aspects of the chinchilla world/industry that I know I'll overlook in my proposal if I don't write them down and have people help me make lists, so I wanted some help. I am looking for enough ideas for the paper to have the teacher consider it to be worth 3 credits. My instructor is primarily used to equines, so I'd like to point out that smaller livestock can also be just as important.

I plan to do LOTS of emailing/interviews, polls, etc if I get into the class. Just a warning :thumbsup:. She's a genetics instructor, so I thought I would make sure to highlight some genetic topics as well (such as teeth and heart problems). There's no limit!

More detail: I'm not looking for just "shows" or "breeding ethics" what i'm looking for is that PLUS the topics related to it.


Shows - cost of putting on a show, the amount of money that shows bring in, economical impact (money that is being spent in the area/town around a show), travel expenses, monetary losses/gains (expenses, show cancellations, raise in animal value due to winnings, animals lost during transport - for various reasons), effect on overall herd (selling low placing animals, etc), benefits to showing (better animals = more people want to buy from you).
I can't help with any chin topics but I can help on any grammar, proofing, citing or english issues that may come up. English major...future teacher. :)

Hope it goes well.
Sounds interesting.
I have read this thread a few times and would love to help, but I don't feel like I know what you are looking for. Maybe a few more examples would help a lot, at least for me.
hopefully this will help... I'm looking for a primary topic, as well as the subjects (or sub-topics) related to it. You can say "cages" and someone could say, "well, what about cages"... Think of everything that's related to cages...(such as a list of topics, and the topics within that topic)

Primary Topic: cages
Related/Sub topics: safety, prices, options, size, upkeep, cleaning, dangers

Primary Topic: Advertisement
Related/Sub Topics: expense, where to advertise, who are you trying to reach, forums, web sites.

Record Keeping....
kits born, animal deaths, show records, expenses, income, animal location, beeding records

Does that help any?
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I think the confusion is that we don't know what this class is about. Animal science "special studies" could cover quite a wide range of topics. Is it a business class? Management? Breeding/genetics? Doing an overview of a particular animal industry? What you're asking for is so vague, I don't think anyone has any idea how to help you yet. Maybe you could give us the course description so we have a better idea of what you're looking for.
I think the confusion is that we don't know what this class is about. Animal science "special studies" could cover quite a wide range of topics. Is it a business class? Management? Breeding/genetics? Doing an overview of a particular animal industry? What you're asking for is so vague, I don't think anyone has any idea how to help you yet. Maybe you could give us the course description so we have a better idea of what you're looking for.

There is no course description. It is "pick a project or subject to research" type of class. Many people choose to train horses. I chose to attempt to write as much about everything chinchilla related as possible :D. Kinda the industry as whole and everything related. <3

Informational + Genetics + Economical Impact + Ethics + Breeding + Any other topic......
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There isn't really a course description, that's the thing ;). It's very vague. :neener: This is just a proposal of what I would like to do, should I get into the class. The instructor has to approve the proposal for us to get in. Kinda dumb, but okay. Basically I want to write about as much possible related to chinnies.

As stated, just any topic in general and expand. There's no set "business" or "genetics" theme to it.

Then I think you need to choose a topic. Because "chinchillas" is a very wide range, and without some kind of focus to your topic proposal, I don't see how you're going to be able to pull this off. Are you going to make your proposal about breeding and management of a large-scale herd? Smaller-scale hobby breeder? More focus on showing? Breeding? Selling to the private pet market or pelting? Etc. I mean, the way you're stating things now, we could go all the way down to how do they make the metal to build the cages and what is the best chioce of tractors that help tend the fields the hay is grown on that is put into the pellets to feed the chins...