Need help with plastic pans

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Mischki is here!
Aug 4, 2009
Northwest Indiana
I'm getting my chinchilla tomorrow, and I'm buying either a ferret nation or critter nation cage, and I know they have plastic bottoms. I'm going to order metal pans, but that's going to take at least a couple days to get here. Is there anything I can use to cover the plastic or replace it until the metal pans get here????

I'm thinking, buy some fleece fabric to cover the pans, until I get the metal pans, and then use the fabric to make hammocks or something later???
Easiest would probably be fleece, and made like a pillow case to slip over it.

But, some chins don't chew plastic, so you may be fine with the plastic pans for now. The metal ones are better in the long run anyways because the sides of them are higher so if you use bedding, it won't make as much of a mess.
okay, thanks Alli! =D Just kinda freaking about it, just worried cuz I've never had a chinchilla before, and I don't want to hurt it as soon as I get it!