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i've gotten my new chin on sunday and i guess due to mishandle by the seller during sending over to my place the chin got heatstroke. i've been trying hard to cool it down.. n it's not as active as a normal chin should behave.
i've been hand feeding it water as it doesn't drink on its own. last nite i realise tat it was havin soft poop. so i stop feeding it alfafa hay. this morning it's still normal eating n drinking jus havin soft poop problem.
this evenin after i change the bedding until nite i realise it's not pooping anymore. n it had some yellowish mucus stuff from the anus. n when i feed it water it's kinda reluctant to drink n is producing some kind of teeth grindin sound. it's still eatin itself bit by bit though. but without drinking n the mucus stuff really worry me.. is he gonna recover? what should i do as there's no exotic vet nearby!
This chin needs a vet urgently. Like RIGHT NOW. It sounds like bloat and/or gut stasis if it is not producing poops. I don't think it's heat stroke. Can you get it to a vet immediately? At least it's not in the middle of the night or a holiday. Where are you located, maybe we can help you get a good chinchilla vet.

You need to find a vet that can help this poor chinnie. Start calling every vet listed in your phone book to see who can see exotics. Please tell us your location and someone near you might now of a good exotics vet.
i'm in malaysia n i doubt if there any vet ard here who actually knwo how to cure a chin.
it's middle of the nite now.
i'm really worry abt it.. noon time when i feed it water n soaked pellet he do seem better n eating. now not sure where went wrong..
I'm not sure if I fully understand what's going on here. I find your post hard to dechiper.

You say, last night the poop was soft, this morning the poop was soft, then "this evening" the chin is not pooping at all. I'm not sure where you are, but it is still morning here.

If you got the chin Sunday, that would be yesterday. Chins will not act "normal" often after moving to a new home, you may not see it drink at all for a while, and if it's eating that is good.

I would do a belly massage to see if there is a hard feeling to the belly, and go from there. Stress is hard on animals.

I don't know where you are, I'm not sure why the chin had heat stroke. A good breeder would know better than to over heat a chin, which makes me think the person you got this chin from doesn't know a lot about chins in the first place.

ETA: I just saw your flag stating you're in Malaysia. I'm not sure what the time is there. If the chin is eating, I would leave it alone for a few hours. Chins in stasis or with bloat generally don't eat because they either feel full or are backed up. If you can get some baby gas drops, simethicone, you can give one full dropper every four hours in case there may be some gas in the belly.
Chins don't drink constantly. Mark the water bottle with a marker or tape and check it again in a few hours. Just because you don't see it drinking doesn't mean it isn't.

EATA: IMHO there are times when no vet is better than a crappy vet. I would do gas drops, massage the belly. Let him settle some, rub his belly. Stress alone will cause a chin not to eat, if I am correct Malaysia is hot and humid basically all of the time and many people there rely on public transportation. That topped with the stress it's already been under to take it to a vet who has never seen a chin or know anything about it to me is not worth the risk of taking it. You can take fresh droppings into the vet and have them do a fecal on them to test for parasites, if they are present they can give you meds often without seeing the chin.
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Do you have air conditioning for your chin? If you feel it's heat stroke, then it must be because the chin was not in a proper climate. If you don't have a/c, rehome the chin. It seems to be a constant issue with people from your neck of the woods, that they either don't have or aren't willing to get a/c because of the cost. Yes, it costs money. But a vet bill is generally quite a bit higher.

A slow down of poops is possible at a new home, due to the stress of change in environment; however, no poop and yellow mucous coming out of your chinchilla's anus is not normal, new home or not. If it was just a matter of a bit of constipation or soft poo after a new home switch, that wouldn't concern me right away. Yellow mucous is concerning. You do not mention if this is a male or a female chin. If it's a female, are you positive that the discharge you are seeing is coming from the anus or could it be coming from the vagina instead?
It sounds like she had the chin shipped and the flight handlers did not do a good job? Was the chin sick when you picked him up?
thx riven i'll check out the pharmacy if there's any gas dropper.
tunes: it's a male. n i got airconditioner n it's switch on 24 hours.
chinniechantel: i guess u r rite, n the agent is not quite a responsible one, which i only found out after i got the chin, but then still i hope i can do anything possible to save the chin.

it's tuesday here by now, when the chin arrive on sunday noon, the chin is not moving. it's jus sit there n i did c it have a bit of eating the hays, after settling at my house for ard half an hour it have some problem walking n is having seisure n keep on turning n producing some kind of pup crying sound. so in preventing it from hurting itself i took it out n use a cloth to put under the chin head to stabalize it to prevent it from keep on turning ard n hurting itself. n after few hours it seem ok n is sitting in correct position. it sit still n sleep till monday witout havin any food or drinks. so by noon i decided to syringe feed it soak pellet n water. n it takes in without hesitate. the only problem is he's producing soft poop. after 4 hours in the evening i try to re-feed him n chnage the bedding n stuff. he is reluctant to drink o eat oledi n is having soe kind of teeth grinding sound n his movement is lessen. i check bak later n realise he is not pooping. until now still no poop at all but then it got some kind of yellowish semi transparent mucus coming out from the anus which i clean it up using a wet towel.

the reason y i say he's havin heatstroke cos malaysia weather is very hot. n i was told that when the chin was send over from anoter region, the flight delayed 2 hours causing the time for the chin be in the cargo is lengthen. i tink he's totally stress out for the relocation.

hope i make it clearer this time.
I still would be looking for a vet. A chin should not have pus coming out of its anus. Period.
Your post is kind of hard to understand but if the chin is having seizures on top of the yellow pus, i would definately be searching for a vet. There is something wrong
I don't see anywhere that it says yellow puss.

Heat stroke can cause a chin to stop eating, make them sick. Just like in people.

Is the chin still eating? have you seen him drinking at all from the bottle yet or did you mark it to see if he's eating?

Did the chin come with food or is he getting a different food now? Yellow mucous can be a byproduct of the digestion system that would normally be recycled in the body, stress can cause this to not happen, especially with extreme stress like heat stroke the body will break down to just major functions like trying to keep the body cool, etc.

Perhaps you can call and talk with the vet, and see if they have any suggestions. With recovering heat stroke I just personally don't think I'd risk taking the chin out into the heat unless you have your own car with a/c, and can expose him to minimal heat.

You need to force feed him, mush up more food and syringe it in, wrap him up in a towel and slip the edge of the syringe in the side of his check, squirt a little in, let him swallow, repeat. Remember if no food goes in, no poop comes out. Right now his body is recovering from heat stroke, he's probably nauseous, tired, and dehydrated. It takes a while to recover, often a week or more. Move into force feeding mode, and see about the gas drops to prevent bloating. Most of all good luck!

Briefing- here's the run down. Chin was shipped, 2 hour delay, she picked him up and he was barely moving, got him home and cooled down, he had a seizure, then was lethargic, he ate a little, soft poos, feed him some mushed food, then no eating or drinking, no poos, then yellow mucous hanging on his butt, still not really active, but sitting up, limited eating, doesn't appear to be drinking.

ETA: I'm not saying that it would not be ideal for this chin to see a vet, but after any animal suffers sever heat stroke they are very weak and susceptible to heat stroke again. There is a 90% chance that there is no way to get this chin to a vet ( probably one with no chin knowledge ) without putting it in the heat again. I have no doubts that after suffering a severe heat stroke it would not survive another one in it's condition. If I was in that position personally I would not risk it, therefore I will not tell someone else to do it. That is simply my view on this. If she didn't care, she wouldn't be asking for help.
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thanks you all for the concern.
i bring it to the vet this morning n the vet says feels like there's smth in the tummy might be the poo that it's unable to get it out. he says need surgery. tat time
the chin is hardly moving n is sleeping side way panting heavily.. jus as the doc is getting ready for surgery the chin pass away. in the end he still couldn't make it.. really sad to c him leave jus like tat but at least he's not in pain anymore..
That poor chin. I'm so sorry for what he went through.
I am very sorry too. I wish it had turned out better for you