need help on family health issues

  • Thread starter DaphnesandFreddysmom
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My grandfather is very ill and just recently my father decided to give him up with morphin ( maybe other medication but he told me just morphin he gave him) and hire nurses to come and take care of him in his home.

I talked to my grandfather today and was just in tears over what he has become. 2 weeks ago he was very aware knew everybody was able to hold a conversation and was just sharp as a tack. Now today I call his house and he's telling me he's in the hospital and should get out in a couple days he hopes. Than he didn't remember who my daughter was I had to remind him, and than he kept telling me that I had won a prize and wanted to know how I liked it.

I can't help but think my father is keeping him drugged up, knowing how he's treated me in past health situations. I just don't know what to do I just can't believe my grandfather has went downhill this quickly. I don't think anyone would think the same as me and don't know what to do and I'm just upset and very torn.
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and your family, i'm not in the same situation but I know how hard it is to go through anything with a close family member not doing well. I'll be praying for you and yours
If you suspect that your father is doing something to your grandpa I would suggest talking to someone. I'm not sure who would do something about it, but perhaps his doctor?
I cant imagine a nurse coming to the house and just handing non needed pills. You can call a few places, that deal with the well being of elder patients, including the nurses taking care of him, and his doctor.

I feel bad for you and your grandfather, and I will keep you all in my thoughts.
Morphine can do terrible things to a body. Yes, it keeps you pain free, and comfortable, but it does horrible things. I won't get into what exactly it does to the body, if you're curious, you can PM me and I will explain, but it's not exactly my first choice in the fight against pain. However, confusion and being disoriented is a side effect of morphine, and I would recommend at least talking to his doctor about it to ensure that it's not something else that's causing the confusion. And InkedupTara is right to a point. Nurses hand out the pills that the doctor prescribes. They have say in the drug choice, but ultimately, it's up to his doctor to prescribe it. If he is having these episodes daily, I would contact his doctor and talk to him about it.
Is he in extreme pain? Is he terminal? I would have to know more about how and why your Grandfather is ill to give my opinion. I think if someone is terminally ill and in great pain, go for the morphine. That's what I would want. At the end of a terminal illness comfort is about all we can offer anymore. Now, if your Grandpa is recovering from total hip surgery or something like that, the drug use is not appropriate. But everyone else is right. If you suspect something is happening that shouldn't be, it needs to be reported and investigated. Good luck. Keep us posted.
I am in agreement with Carol. You would need to provide more information as to your grandfather's illness before we could answer your question.

If, however, you suspect your father is treating him poorly and simply keeping him drugged for the sake of drugging him, then there are people you can contact. One option would be to call the local hospital and ask to speak to a social worker. They can refer you to the proper agency that deals with elder abuse.
What ticks me is that you say your father decided to give him morphine, do you mean your father is a Dr and precribed him morphine or he just gave some that was in the pharmacy. Either way this is strange.
I can attest to morphine being a weird drug. For some people it works like it should - but for some it throws you for a loop. I ended up in the hospital about a year ago with a severe throat infection. I didn't have insurance so I was trying to treat it at home until it got so bad I couldn't breathe. They shot me up with morphine, and I wet loopy.

You may want to talk with his doctor and get details on WHY he is on what he is on - and tell them what is going on with him. The doctor should be willing to discuss it with you.