Need help on a question

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
I know a bunch of you are Vets, Techs, and students in the Veterinary field.

My final is tomorrow and I am freaking out. I can't remember, for the life of me, where you are supposed to hold off for a Saphenous blood draw on a dog. My instructor says above the knee, ands when I worked at a clinic, they said above the hock.

If I put it in the wrong place, I will automatically fail, so I need some help to make sure I'm doing this right.

Bare with my horrible drawing of a dog's left rear leg and the vein, but do you hold off at point A or point B granted the vet will be drawing from the engorged vein.

Thanks! :)
We always held at the knee.

If your instructor says the knee, I'd go with the knee, won't he/she be the one grading the paper/performance? And hey if this is the ONLY thing you're worried about, you're doing great! LOL
Thank you so much! It's not the ONLY thing I'm worried about, but it was the only thing that totally slipped my mind.
Good luck, tests and finals can be very stressful! Make sure you get plenty of sleep and maybe even a hot bath in! My A&P instructor tells us, that if we're trying to hard and studying all the time, we'll never learn anything!