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Jul 20, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Yesterday I noticed that Smokey was acting out of character and looked bloated as well. I was checking up on him through out the whole night and he never touched his food or water. I was panicking and crying, hoping he will make it through the morning so I could take him to the vets :cry3: . This morning I called and made an appointment immediately went to the vets and was there for 2 hours. They did an x-ray on Smokey and found that he had 4 bladder stones and had build up of gas. I got two kinds of medications for him to take. Hopefully he will recover and feel much better. I just need help on how to make him eat his food and drink water. Any advice would be grateful.
Simethicone is a good thing to start with. I have both the mylacon type baby gas drops and phazyme, which is almost pure simethicone. That will help with the gas and hopefully improve his appetite. Life Line is a good product to have for a chin that is not feeling well (

Were the stone small enough for him to pass? I hope so. Poor little thing.
If your chin will not eat on his own (and often times when in pain, they will not eat much) or is eating less than usual, you will need to handfeed him. Oxbow Critical Care is a handfeeding formula for herbivores although if you don't have that on hand, you can crush pellets, mix with water, and add probiotics (such as acidophilus which can be purchased at a grocery store) to make sure he is getting food into his system. If he doesn't eat, he could go into G.I. stasis which is when their digestive tract shuts down. Like Susan said, you can also give Lifeline (I like to give it mixed in with Critical Care when I'm handfeeding). A dropperfull of Simethicone (Baby gas drops which can be purchased at a grocery store... brand name is Mylicon) can be given with feedings as well to cut down on gas.

What type of medication were you given? Did you receive anything for pain (such as Metacam)? How about motility drugs (Reglan or Propulsid?) to keep the gut moving? Is the vet going to operate to remove the stones?

Also, what kind of food and treats do you feed? Bladder stones are not extremely common in chinchillas but when they do occur, if it is not genetic, often times it is due to diet.
Well I sure do hope you caught it in time, the gas drops do work, so do use them and people also say to rub their bellies to help the gas move along.

And you will need to force feed him with some CC of some sort and when you do it, if you never have before just make sure you don't put the syringe in the front of his mouth, it should go on the side where his teeth are... if you need help with forcefeeding come back and ask any other questions you might have about doing it.
The vet gave him Metacam in a bottle and the second one is Tribrissen Suspension. The vet didn't mention anything about an operation on him. She said if he doesn't respond well to the medications that I should take him back on Monday. I got smokey about a month ago from a couple and they gave him expired hay and food. I don't know if that could of been that, not to sure though. I'm currently feeding him Mazuri pellets and zupreem hay before he got sick. I use to give him treats like raisins, shreddie wheat and apple twigs, but not anymore. Would anyone know who I could order Oxbow Critical Care in Canada if not in the States? Also would it be okay to give him Simethicone while he's on the medication too? Thanks everyone.
Hi, you should be able to get the Critical Care at your Vet.. As AZ Chins has mentionned, Lifeline with CC are just amazing. I mix both when they are not eating, this way I am sure they get everything they need. I have ordered some lifeline and shud receive it next week.
If you like pm me with your address and I will give you some to start you off till you receive some if you decide to order. It's an excellent product to keep on hand with th e critical care. I give some once to twice a week to all my chins (lifeline).
Always good to have.

Hoping all will go well.