Crazy Chin Lady!
My chin Liv is about 15 months old and hes a great boy, we've never had a health problem with him. Today though, I found a poop that was on the softer side and a little discolored which obviously worried me. Then I noticed him bending over to his butt so i tried to get what he was eating, which was a poop. he got a little bite out of it but again, it was softer and discolored again. I'm not entirely sure if it's diarrhea but it's definitely not healthy poops. it seems like everytime he poops now he tries to eat it before it comes out. i know they tend to eat their poop once in a while, but it worries me that its everytime today. i'm wondering if maybe he is feeling ill and trying to eat the poop so we can't see it, therefore hiding his illness from us. he was active when he was out for free run and now he is just resting, he also ate some timothy hay which i'm thinking is a good sign? I called the vet that is 15 minutes from us and the receptionist told me the exotic vet isn't in today, but she's going to call her and then have her call me. I'm waiting by the phone but i don't know what to do in the meantime! :hair: advice?