Maybe this should be in emergency catagory. First off, don't criticize my inexperience please. I am worried and advice can help but criticism won't. I only say this bc I've read many treads where it seems ppl have been a little rude with their comments and I'm having enough angst as is. Ok... I got a female adult a little over a month ago and didn't know she was pregnant. I had an unexpected baby on Saturday. The baby seems fine but I am worried about the mom. She acts fine but her stomach is still big and feels hard, from what I can tell. She won't let me touch her really and when she jumped out of her cage tonight I had to grab her and put her back in and she a lot of hair clumped out. I'm worried maybe there's a still born or something? She was in a cage with a male when I got her so I'm not sure how common breedback is or what it could be. If its normal and I'm just being paranoid please ease my mind. I want to take her to the vet just to be safe but miy AC is out and my vet is about 45 mins away and with this Indiana weather its too dangerous to take her now. Also the baby isnt even a week old and it picked up a pellet and started eating it. Isn't that too early? Im gonna check out the FAQs on all this but if you have any advice on Mama, please let me know. She spats and tries to bite if I get close to her tummy. I don't want her to have complications but need to be aware of anything that may be occurring or if its normal. Thanks so much! They are in a babyproof cage and the only thing in there is a hidey house and foodbowl and bedding.