Name suggestions

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LvL Chinchillas
Feb 23, 2009
Knoxville, TN
Were expecting our second child in Sept/beginning of October. Maddox was early so I'm expecting it will be in September.

But we still have no names on the list that we both like. We like things a little creative, bit not too "out there." also something that works for all stages of childhood and into an adult without going to a nickname.

I have a coworker who got tired of all the "aiden" names that are popular now (no offense, Ash, for your suggestion). She named her son Jack- simple, strong, and not really used as often now.
My cousin has a Brayden. He was a handful!

There's a Jack in our playgroup-- totally fits him to.

I was thinking about Trevor maybe but he wasn't thrilled with it. He likes "Messer?!?!" I think NOT.
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I was thinking about Trevor maybe but he wasn't thrilled with it. He likes "Messer?!?!" I think NOT.

I don't know about Messer, but my brother's middle name is Trevor- it elicits images of country club memberships and tennis racquets to me.

How about Todd?
I have a coworker who got tired of all the "aiden" names that are popular now (no offense, Ash, for your suggestion). She named her son Jack- simple, strong, and not really used as often now.

I guess it depends on where you're from. There aren't many "Aiden" kids around here.
boy namaes that I like (hope some help):

Addison (can be boy/girl)
Quinn (again boy/girl)

I use this link when I'm looking for names for book characters:

I have never met a boy Addison or a girl Quinn (unless you count Harley Quinn :crazy:).

It seems like all the boys being born around here are Aiden, Braden, Brennan, Braden, Kale, etc. and all the girls are Addison, Madyson, etc.
One of my bosses relatives named her girl Addison - my boss said "Why would you name your kid after a disease!?"

Two names you don't hear much anymore:

I wanted to name my younger son Keegan, but my hubby wasn't fond of it as a first name - he wasn't fond of any of the hundreds of names I looked at - so we made it our son's middle name instead. I still think it would make a great first name.
My boys are Sawyer (we were big Lost fans at the time!!) and Clayton, which is a family name. We wanted masculine, classic, and not overly used. I'm still very happy with our choices!

Congrats, by the way!!
Cohen (pronounced Co-in) is a nice boy name, goes with Maddox and doesn't have a short form.
My little boy is Remy. And my little one due in Oct is a girl (so they say) and we're naming her Seren. If it was a boy/ our backup name is Soren Tobias. (very similar, huh?) I still haven't thought of a middle name for Seren. Thinking about going with Ivy or Violet.

So anyways. I feel the pain. Naming a child is so hard!
My little boy is Remy. And my little one due in Oct is a girl (so they say) and we're naming her Seren. If it was a boy/ our backup name is Soren Tobias. (very similar, huh?) I still haven't thought of a middle name for Seren. Thinking about going with Ivy or Violet.

So anyways. I feel the pain. Naming a child is so hard!

How do you pronounce that? Ser-in or Ser-ene?

I like Cohen! I saw the same Colum at a castle and thought that sounded nice!