
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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why would nails crul up? SweetPea's had that last week they where a little cruled under her paws i cut them they aren't cruled today any idea why they would crul?
The nails curl when they get too long, it is painful for the hedgehog because it can dig into their skin. So make sure to cut the nails when they start to curl.
Hedgie nails begin to curl and push into their feet when they have grown too long. It happens with hedgies, guinea pigs, birds, etc... The important thing to do when you see it happening is to trim the nails immediately and then make a point of trimming your hedgie's nails more frequently; ie, before they begin to curl under. Once they begin to curl, it can become painful for your little one to walk. And then, once they grow long enough, they will puncture your hedgie's soft little feet. At that point, you'll likely need to call in a veterinarian for assistance.
how often do you guys ussauly have to cut them? iv had Lulu just over a month now and her nails havint seem to have grown at all. how fast do hedgie nails grow?
sorry to ask another question on your post Scrat&SweetPea, i just figured i would ask here sence you were talking about nails aways. :cute:
I think it really depends on the hog. Some wear them down by themselves, I have one where I never cut his nails. Others I cut probably once to twice a month--I just do it when the oppurtunity arises, which is not that often!
I've never had to do the front ones on any of mine, just the back, and mine need it about every week. I think it just depends on the hog.
And not only does it depend on the hog or the foot of the hog, but the toe of the hog. I've almost never needed to cut my hedgie's (to use human equivalents) pinky toenails on any of her four feet. But the big toe nails on her two rear feet grow so fast that I can cut them every 2-3 days. Crazy, eh?
You should cut her nails when they get to that point. Claws can hurt hedgie after that!