Nail clipping- what to use?

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I have tried clipping Annie's nails a few times using my guinea pig's nail clippers and it doesn't seem to work very well. It works, but not well. It's difficult to make the clippers cut through her soft nails.
So what kind of nail clippers do you use?

What to use seems to often be what is most comfortable for the human using the tool. For me I use human baby finger nail clippers. Some use the bigger human nail clippers, some use cuticle clippers, etc. For me I am not comfortable with cuticle clippers with a wiggly hedgehog. The adult human nail clippers cause me concern about catching more than the nail I'm trying to clip. But the baby size is "just right." (for me).
The baby ones work just perfectly for me too. Lets me get just the nail and right where I need it.
If your hedgehog is okay with the water, then one thing you can do is let her swim around for a bit, then when her nails are soft and moist, flip her on her back, many hedgehogs enjoy floating on their quills, it's pretty funny, and it should be a lot easier, because her legs are more stable in that position.
Clippers made for pets usually don't work very well because they use a scissor-like method to clip, which can lead to bad things.

Human fingernail clippers work the best. Some people like using baby clippers, but adult clippers will work fine too as long as you're careful.

Reward with a favorite treat when you're finished to let her know that good things come from getting nails clipped. Mealies are a favorite here. :)
Ok everyone, thanks. I'll give the human nail clippers a try next time.
If your hedgehog is okay with the water, then one thing you can do is let her swim around for a bit, then when her nails are soft and moist, flip her on her back, many hedgehogs enjoy floating on their quills, it's pretty funny, and it should be a lot easier, because her legs are more stable in that position.

That's not a good idea... flipping a hedgie over in water can be very dangerous. Water can get in the ears and cause lots of issues. And I've not known any hedgehog to enjoy floating. Just that one video on youtube.
I find the baby ones just don't work as well as the normal sized human nail clippers. It almost seems like they're not as sharp and they don't cut as cleanly through the nail as the regular sized ones.

When I clip, I just set the hogs on their backs on my lap and wait for them to give me a paw. I use a slightly different method for each hog and I can usually get through all their nails in about 10 minutes per hog. Cuda doesn't even notice that I'm clipping his nails if I give him something to anoint over.
That's not a good idea... flipping a hedgie over in water can be very dangerous. Water can get in the ears and cause lots of issues. And I've not known any hedgehog to enjoy floating. Just that one video on youtube.

And two of mine. Needler and Cavalier.
I used my nail clippers to clip Annie's nails yesterday and it worked really well. So thanks everyone. :)