Nail chewing

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
Salem OR
Zipper loves chewing my finger nails. Ezio and Altair have started this trend today. I was wondering if anyone else's chins do this? Is this a behavior I should worry about?
Chins love finger nails - I don't know why but they love to chew on them. Years ago I had a couple of chins running around while I was in my bare feet. They would come up to my toes and try to chew my toe nails. Funny little buggars
Chins love finger nails - I don't know why but they love to chew on them. Years ago I had a couple of chins running around while I was in my bare feet. They would come up to my toes and try to chew my toe nails. Funny little buggars

That would tickle! lol

One of mine is a nail's normal :)
Nothing to worry about

My girlfriend says she has not cut her finger nails in over a year since the chins take care of that for her LOL.
It is normal, but personally I discourage my chin from doing it as I don't know if it could hurt him to ingest any nail products.
I don't use anything on my nails. But I still don't want them chewing on em. I like my long, pretty nails!