Mystery Chinchilla

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New member
Aug 18, 2011
We bought a "mystery" chinchilla from a local pet store. They said he was a mystery because they didn't know where he came from or anything about him or his previous owner. He came with a cage full of plastic toys, house, dust bath, etc. We have been changing out all of the plastic stuff for wood but now he won't sleep in his house. He hides behind it and seems to be sleeping with his eyes open or like he's in a trance or something. Before we got him, he slept in his dust bath (that the pet store keep in his cage at all times) curled up in a ball with his eyes shut. I don't know if he's totally in shock and if this is normal or not?

Also, is there a way that we can tell how old he is?
How long have you had him? He's probably still scared due to all the changes. Be patient and give him time.

No, there's no way to tell the age.
We've had him about 3-1/2 weeks. He was doing great but then we took his dust bath out from being in there all the time and changed his house and now he's acting like this. I'm sure he's just adjusting. It's just kinda weird I guess to see him like that all day. Thanks for the reassurance.
Like already mentioned, he needs to adjust. He may take a little longer since you recently made changes to what he has in his cage. Give him time and he eventually feel at home.
He hides behind it and seems to be sleeping with his eyes open or like he's in a trance or something.
I don't know if he's totally in shock and if this is normal or not?

Just wanted to add to the thread since you asked and the other posters didn't address it. It is normal for chinnies to sort of "space out" and look like they are sleeping with their eyes open. I tend to notice mine do this a lot during the day when they are resting in the open spaces of the cage, and sleep with their eyes closed when in an enclosed space like a house or under a shelf in a back corner of the cage. Give the chinny time to come around and get used to his new stuff. Sounds like you're taking the right steps so far with removing the plastic. :thumbsup:

Also- since its a "mystery", you might want to take a look at the threads on sexing your chin, or post a pic of the chinny's anatomy in a thread asking for help on sexing it. Knowing your chins sex may help answer questions in the future with behavior or health concerns, and since the store knew nothing about the chins past, its doubtful they correctly sexed it.
My first chin was also a mystery. I had (and still have) no idea about his past. And he was a full grown adult when i got him. He also always slept in his plastic sand bath house.

I had to change out a lot of his stuff, along with a new environment. It took quite a while, but he did adjust over time. Now i don't think he could imagine it any other way'