My Where's Waldo moment!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
The other day while cleaning cages Leonard hopped out. Stewart didn't think he would be brave enough to do it but he did. Today I looked into his cage (as I do with everyone everyday lol!) and I didn't see him anywhere! He loves his house on a ledge more than anything--nope he wasn't there, he wasn't in his fleece tube either OR sleeping on his Elvis pillow. Seriously I panicked until I remembered what time of year it's starting to be!

HA! Here's Leonard doing Where's Waldo!

As you can see the house on a ledge is empty, as is his fleece tube, and he's not on his pillow!

Because there he is asleep in his fishbowl!

It must be Spring/Summer!!!!
Too cute!! I've already starting getting minor-Waldo moments myself. Generally Confucius is hiding under his fleece (no matter how many times I lay it out nicely, he has to have it all balled up in the center of his cage, with him under it), and Sappho is in her hammock. I'm finding she LOVES to sleep in her bath house---though I don't leave it in there for more than half an hour or so.
I love Leonard! He reminds me of my Louey who had to be pts a few months ago. Mama chin started scaring me as of yesterday, I thought she was gone but she has started sleeping in her hay filled litter box.