My vet visit Friday

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
I took two of my boys to the vet friday, just wanted to update & get some suggestions on one.

Richie: diagnosed with malo last spring, last tooth filing last august. Dr. said his tooth wear is even, color is great except one tooth she said looked a strange color? could have been the one that fell out last year?? she did anesthesize him and did file one tooth. he has bounced back pretty good. did metacam for the first few days but he was eating pellets and i still supplement a little at night. current weight: 755
Our plan for him is that until he displays drooling or pawing at the mouth than we will continue our ongoing course of treatment. we decided not to do xrays since once he starts showing active signs of malo that is not correctable with a tooth trim he will be PTS. :( BUT I am really happy with his progress and compared to where I was a year ago.......I can't believe he is so chunky & active.

Klinger: has chronic eye issues. squinty or moist and last week had a bit of white in the corner. this has been off & on since he came here. he will be fine for weeks and one day he will be moist eye. he eats and poops fine. he goes through wood like a chainsaw, has no other symptoms. she said it did not appear to be infected only irritated and told me to get Terramycin ointment for opthamalic use.
current weight: 444
I am thinking it is either an allergy OR a cleanliness issue. meaning i need to change his fleece more frequently than the others. for the last few days (after cleaning his cage), his eye is perfectly normal and dry. Anyone else have this problem and am I taking the right course of action OR should I ask for xrays??

Thanks for listening........
I want to think positively and say that I am so glad that Richie bounces back from filings like CJ does and that I'm happy he's such a chunker. You're going to need to post pics of him, k?! As far as Klinger is concerned, he seems underweight or is he normally around that weight? If his eyes don't clear up with the meds then I would suggest to do xrays. Good luck with him Michelle.
Klinger was around 390 when he came to me, the highest I have been able to get him is 450. He is a sapphire and from what I understand, they can be on the smaller side. i have tried everything to fatten him up, he just stays so tiny. aside from being kinda skittish he is very normal and it has taken me a long time to get him to trust me. wiping his eye with saline was quite a chore.
i do have tri meth sulfa on hand but i really didnt want to give him antibiotics without seeing the vet. also he is completely normal right now, his eye is wide open and bright and dry?
I am going to just keep his cage super clean and get the ointment for the next time and see if it clears it up. but if it doesnt and this continues I will have to take him back to the vet and probably go the xray route.

will try and get a nice pic of richie and post it. he is my little lovey dovey!