My two new boys and my FN 142

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Los Angeles
I first want to say thank you to everyone who sold me items for my FN 142... there is SO many of you sorry I cant remember everyone!

I brought my two boys home about 2 weeks ago. Their names from the breeder are: Zeb 2months ebony, Cupid Mosiac 5 months. They so for are super easy to take care of. SO much lower mantiance then my dogs! Almost so I am wonder about in a few months adopting more.... BUT I'll hold off for a while. I want to get to know my boys better b4 I invest in more.

Sorry about the dirty cage and sink... its cleaning day today and their cage is cleaned out every other day lol.


In mommy's scrub top



He loves coke too ; )


And the “Boys” were hanging out during photo time so here are 2 of my shepherds hanging out it moms room by the chin chin cage.

Milo on right (the baby) and valentine on left (the oldest 2 years)


Your babies are gorgeous! I'm sure they're having a lot of fun in their great new cage! Beautiful dogs!
Your babies are gorgeous! I'm sure they're having a lot of fun in their great new cage! Beautiful dogs!

Thank you! How do you take photos of your ebony?? If I put on the flash it washes him out... if I dont use the flash you see a blur as he runs by or there is never enough light lol Just looking for tips. I dont have an pro camera or anything but its a good one.:hmm:
Yup, both boys are adorable but I've got a soft spot for those dark ebs, so Zeb's my fave :D!
Your boys are absolutely gorgeous! (you can tell them I said handsome :))) Great setup too! Enjoy your new additions!
Your chinnies and shepherds are adorable! That cage looks great! I bet they love it!
Your set up looks great and your chin boys are adorable! And you're already considering more...looks like chinnitis has already set in!

Your dogs are beautiful, too!
Thank you! How do you take photos of your ebony?? If I put on the flash it washes him out... if I dont use the flash you see a blur as he runs by or there is never enough light lol Just looking for tips. I dont have an pro camera or anything but its a good one.:hmm:

I usually try to catch them when they're sleeping so they stay still. I've also found that it's best to take pictures in the morning/afternoon so you have them in natural lighting, which seems to help with not washing out their color. I also have an external flash attachment for my camera that lets you "bounce" the flash which makes it look like they're in natural lighting because the direct flash seems to be what washes out their color. I hope this helps, I'm by no means an expert!:))