My poor baby girl

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My new girl that I got a couple weeks ago has a cyst/abscess on her side. It was all bloody and gross. I think it was an ingrown quill that she scratched and got infected. I didn't notice it a couple days ago. I brought her to the vet, she thinks its probably just an infection, but wanted to get it checked to see if its cancerous just in case. She gave me antiobiotic/anti fungal scream to put on it 2x day. She cleaned it and removed the dead quills around it. I feel so bad for my poor baby. :( :( :(
I am so sorry and glad you found a vet that is helpful. Please keep us posted, and I hope she feels better very soon!
thanks everyone. she is doing okay. it still looks the same. last night i had to take her wheel out because i broke it, so she was going crazy around her cage - climbing onto everything. she's pretty good about letting me put the cream on it, but its still really gross looking. the fecal test came back negative, just waiting on the pathology report, which i assume will tell me what i already know - that its just an infection from an ingrown quill.