I got my 8-month-old chinchilla, Comet, 5 days ago from a small pet shop. He had been in the pet shop for 3 months, and they had been feeding him Sunseed Sunscription Vita, which is a mixed food that contains raisins and of pieces of dehydrated banana, apple, and papaya. He had been picking out the fruit and leaving the pellets in the bowl. The people at the pet shop had also been giving him lots of treats. As a result of this, he is chubby and will only eat Timothy hay and treats.
I intend to feed him Mazuri pellets, but I also bought a package of the food that he had been eating so I could switch him over to the new food slowly. When I feed him, I pick out all of the fruit and only give him the Sunseed pellets mixed with some Mazuri pellets. He digs through the bowl looking for fruit and treats, but when he sees that there are only pellets in the bowl, he pushes the bowl over and eats Timothy hay then begs for treats.
I have tried hand-feeding the pellets to him, but he still will not eat them. I am very worried about his health. Does anyone have any tips on how to get him to eat his pellets?
I intend to feed him Mazuri pellets, but I also bought a package of the food that he had been eating so I could switch him over to the new food slowly. When I feed him, I pick out all of the fruit and only give him the Sunseed pellets mixed with some Mazuri pellets. He digs through the bowl looking for fruit and treats, but when he sees that there are only pellets in the bowl, he pushes the bowl over and eats Timothy hay then begs for treats.
I have tried hand-feeding the pellets to him, but he still will not eat them. I am very worried about his health. Does anyone have any tips on how to get him to eat his pellets?