My mom is a super chin sitter!

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Jan 31, 2009
Holbrook, MA
Got to go to VEGAS! It was great fun! We both got a cold on the plane on the way there, but managed to tough it out!

My Mom watched my chins when I was gone and did a great job! I think she misses them now :) She even opened a window in the room they were in to make sure they didn't get too hot :) I'm glad I have her to watch them if I go away again! She did think I was crazy when I showed up at my parents house with 4 bags of stuff for them tho... :p
That's great, glad you had fun and peace of mind about your fur kids :).
I'm glad your mom got to watch your chins so you could have fun in Vegas and not have to worry about them. I guess mom's can pretty cool.
I wish my parents are like that. My parents call them rats. Poor babies. They think I'm nuts that I talk to them like they are my babies.

They aren't big pet people. :(