My lovely girls

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Mira finally seems to be more calm around me after two months now that her boys are weaned. She trust me a little more now. No more fending me off to keep me away from her babies. I brought her home Feb 29th. She is a sweet girl, although I am still learning her personality away from the kits. She isn't as barky and grunty anymore. My girl, Mira:


A close up, of her poor chewed whiskers:


And the culprit of the whisker chewing is her daughter, Marika. Mira was originally supposed to be a single chin, but she had other plans ;). While her brothers are being adopted, Marika is staying. I thought Mira would be happier with a cage mate, and hey, Marika is a free white chin! She is almost nine weeks old.

Thanks so much! Never thought I was going to have two females! I had only planned on one, but then the kits were born. I could I not keep one!? I just hope I can tell them apart when Marika is full grown!
They are just beautiful! I think they will be very happy together. :hearts:

Have you found a home for the boys? (Who are also adorable, by the way!)