My little tubaholics

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Thanks to my favorite fleece blanket and my boyfriend's job, each of the boys now have their own fleece tube.

I was able to snap some pics this afternoon while they were sleeping. Enjoy!

My little fatty, Ande.

Bryson cuddling with his "girlfriend"

Charlie wondering what the heck I'm waking him up for.
:hilarious: Bryson's gf looks like my Little Dudes bunny buddy. Little Dude has loved on his buddy to the point it looks grizzly. I made him a fleece buddy. But he still sleeps and beats up his bunny.
Very cute pictures of your chins.
Very cute boys!Mine all love their tubes too!
Brysons girlfriend looks like she's seen better days!
Looks like a little domistic violence there!;)
Looks like a little domistic violence there!;)

Yes. He takes her up to the top of the cage every evening and drops her, runs down and wrestles with her, then takes her back up and drops her and just keeps doing it for a good 30 minutes. He's a very abusive boyfriend.
Aw cute pics! I have that same print for my oldest boy's tube. He spends like 90% of his day in there lol.
We'll have to start a new "Tubaholics Anonymous" club