My little man Jack

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
It is with a heavy heart that I found out today that Jack was diagnosed with teeth problems. His delicate condition and new found heart murmur made me decide to keep him comfortable. I do not think he could survive any operation. His vet agreed. He has been given Metacam as an inflammatory. Not looking for further advice. Just could use the extra comfort from the forum. Jack is my first chin and I love him dearly. One day I will have to give him up. In the mean time I will continue to spoil him dearly.
awww.............poor jack. my richie is my first chin too and he has malo. i just cherish each day that i have him and know he will be pain free soon. i hope jack can live through the rest of his life happy & comfortable.
I'm sorry to hear about Jack. I am dreading the day I have to say goodbye to my first baby. He is lucky to have you there to make him comfortable and to love him each day.
I'm so sorry about Jack. Enjoy every moment with him and love him all you can. That's all any of us can do with our little fuzzy loved ones. I've had my first chin for 11 years...and I would be lost without him. I know how you must feel, and I am so sorry that anyone has to feel that way. :(
I am so sorry about your sweet little man Jack. :( I hope you spoil him all you can while he is still with you. My thoughts are with you and all your chinnie babies!
I'm sorry to hear about Jack! I know he feels very loved by you, and how lucky you've been to share time together.
I'm so sorry. It is fortunate, though, that you love him enough to be able to let him go when his time comes.
Jack sure looks like a sweety and I am so sorry you can't spend a full lifetime together. I would do the same as you in these circumstances - spoil the heck out of him.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. He loves drinking up the Metacam from the syringe! Hurray!!! He also likes the CC snack. He continues to eat and drink and seems pretty darned happy. He continues to run up to the bars in the evening as spunky as can be expected. I really do miss him singing to me. I wish I had it on tape. He is such a joy.
I'm so sorry to hear about Jack, my friend. I know how much you love him.
He's a sweety like no other.
Perhaps with the new found love for Critical Care he can gain enough weight to handle a teeth trim? Have you tried the supplement with the rose hips on him? Couldn't hurt at this point....
Hugs and well wishes to you, your family and your herd.
Thanks. He likes the CC mixed with water and smashed bananna. Loves the Metacam as well. He seems well despite his diagnosis. Sunny is giving me a terrrible run with the CC and eating. Gosh I'm worn out. I'm sick too and trying to take care of these guys. Wishing for a better outcome for Sunni. I thought having her teeth ground down would help her eat. Now she's fighting me.
I am sorry to hear about sunny and jack, i will pray for the too of them.
Update: Jack is doing very well. He is eating CC mixed with organic stage one apple baby puree and water. He is eating his pellets and hay. He really loves drinking up his Metacam every day. He seems more energized adding the CC and meds. He's very happy and has returned to his normal begging at my sight. One would think he's begging for something when I come into the room. However he maintains his practice of placing his feet on the bars to be kissed and worshipped. And the whisker smooch as well. I couldn't ask for more. He's comfortable and very happy. I'm lucky to have him. Thank you for prayers and the kind words. It's been a crazy week with two chins needing severe care.