My first time having to give antibiotic

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So I took my new 7 year old chinchilla Thunder to the vet for a check up . I wanted his teeth checked... they look huge compared to Rocket's teeth but turns out his teeth are fine. But.... his feet have an infection. The pads seemed swollen she said and had a bit of yellow crusty. She said probably from being on wire for so many years . I have had him 2 months. This is the first time she saw him but she thinks they probably already look much better than they would have when i got him. She put him on .4ml of baytril. She said it was a low dose and i shouldnt need to worry. I hope so.. and i hope he likes it cause he has just started trusting me and i don't wanna ruin it. She said if his pads of feet dont look softer and light pinkish in 2 weeks she may extend the antibiotic. Anyone else have this on their chins feet? He sleeps on a fleece pillow now and has all wood shelves and a hammock but i got him from a breeder and I am pretty sure he was used to wire and very sedentary for 7 years.
It sounds like your chin developed bumblefoot, an infection and swelling of the foot pads. Wood is actually more likely to harbor bacteria because it is porous and cannot be sterilized well so it's a good idea to replace shelves when soiled. Smaller shelves can also be sanded and "cooked" in the oven to kill bacteria. Did the vet mention chlorhexadine foot soaks? I think some of the members on here have used chlorhexadine when treating bumblefoot as it is an antiseptic that targets the surface bacteria.

Even with a low dose of Baytril, keep a good eye on the amount your chin is eating. I would give a probiotic (such as acidophilus which can be purchased from the grocery store) 4 hours after each dose of antibiotic. This is because although the antibiotic kills the bacteria causing the infection, it can also kill off the "good bacteria" that is in the chinchilla's digestive system to help them digest their food. Also, if he stops eating, you will have to step in and handfeed. Oxbow's Critical Care is a handfeeding formula for chinchillas that every chin owner should have on hand for emergencies. If you don't have it, you can purchase it from the vet or here on CnH from menagerie.
They sent me home with critical care "just in case". All his wood shelves are only 2 months old and he is actually way neater than my first chinchilla who does pee on his shelves. Thunder only pees in the corner on his shavings.
I concur with Sumiko about watching appetite. Baytril is a very strong anti-biotic and can often cause disruptions in the GIT especially when given orally, it's actually best in chins to give it subQ ( shot form ) if possible.

You can also put something like bag balm on the feet I believe, I've never dealt with bumble foot so I'm not positive on that, but that would help soften things up some and give the underlying tissue the fats/oils it needs to be healthy once the top layers slough off. Please do check that, or perhaps someone who has dealt with this more first hand will have some input.

Good luck!
I asked the vet about probiotics and she felt its usually not needed on this dose but i may just go get some anyway. I am going to watch his appetite closely. Just gave my first dose and well.... lets just say i need more practice. I hope he got enough of it in his mouth . I asked about cream of some kind topical on the foot and she said no... but i am taking all suggestions i get here to day and asking her again when she calls me back this afternoon. I think i will also line the shelves with fleece for now to give extra softness. He sleeps on a fleece pillow in his hidey house already. If i give acidophilus, aside from 4 hours after antibiotic is there any special way to give it? or a certain amount to give?
Probiotics are not harmful, they are helpful and are often used on a regular basis as preventative. I wish vets could figure this out, many don't and won't and would rather drug them up on pain killers and anti-biotics. If vets were smart they'd actually embrace it and sell it, providing an awesome line of sales for themselves... anyway.

Acidophilus comes in a powder ( capsule) or a tablet. With anitb's I would give 1/4 tab at least 2 hours after giving the antib. If he is eating good you can get the capsules and sprinkle half a capsule of it on his food. I personally prefer the tablets which they usually eat as a treat because you know they get it in there and it doesn't fall of, get stuck on paws, etc. You could also put about 1/2 cap on some old fashioned oats, and give them as a treat in limited amounts per day to switch it up!