My first in person hedgie sighting!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Hi Hedgie side!

I have cats and chinchillas no hedgies, BUT this past weekend a few of us when to visit Peggy in South Dakota. We picked up Tawana on the way and she is a hedge hog rescue so not only did I get to see my first ever up close and personal hedge hog I got to touch it! Woot! They are SO cute! The one I was touching aka trying to pet was kacking at me a bit though lol!

It was really neat to see these cute little creatures! I know how much you all love your hedgies and as much as I'd love to have one with the chins in my room I can't keep one place hot and cold! Not to mention the fact I can't touch a meal worm lol!

I just wanted to share my first experience and tell you all I can clearly see why you are so enamoured of these little things, they are so freaking cute!
Jealous! I would love to see and touch a hedgie. I think they are so stinking sute.
ah Laurie I'm jealous too! I too would love a hedgie but I havta give all my love to my fatties :) Invite me next time though, alright?! ;)
I'm sure it was a great experience.....didn't it make you wanna take one home?
Aren't they adorable? I miss my hedgie so much. I would have another if they didn't cause me to break out into itchy welts!