my first ever triplets

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Iv'e had chins since 1981 and only ever had twins born to my herd today Triplets I am thrilled .Worried too they look fine mum RO=Ro looks fine kits are feeding no fighting just like last July when Ro=Ro had twins and they both died.That had never happened in my herd before and I was devastated.Hoping hoping hoping for a better outcome this time.
Good luck with the triplets. they are just as often fine without long as mom has milk.
Congrats! I sure hope you have a great outcome with the trio and that you'll thrill us with pictures soon! :)

touch wood all ok so far can't do pictures sorry this is only an internet browser not a computer.Ro-ro seems to have lots of milk giving her water/apple juice (she won't drink cranberry juice/water)hoping to make the milk flow.She has a bottle of plain water too and good chin food.Rio the dad is not talking to me since I locked him away from her lol.If all ok he can go in to help her in a few days.He was a really good dad with the last litter.
Wow good luck with the triplets. I had quads almost 3 years ago and it was touch and go but they all survived.
deja vu

Sadly the smallest of the triplets Baby Boy died last night his mum took such good care of him but these things happen even though its so distressing.Hoping so much the two girls survive.
I had the same problem with my gals' last litter...she had triplets and the littlest one (Tiny Tim) passed on (with euth.; he couldn't stand up on his own and I believe there was neurological problems..)
I am sorry to hear about your loss....may the two girls thrive to be butterballs!

Another baby has died.So sad. I won't breed from either of these again.No obvious reason for the deaths so their is obviously some genetic problem.Ro-Rc is a devoted mother plenty of milk really well herself.Hoping against hope the last one survives.
Sorry for your losses, but as you said, that's part of breeding. Did you give the female anything special during pregnancy?
Don't know food availability over there, but since changing from a Muzuri/Calfmanna mix to Tradition, my mortality rate has fallen considerably!
Thanks Rickman.I just fed her the same as my retired female Science Selective supposed to be the best over here.Angel had no problems breeding all her kits survived,I honestly think this is a genetic problem.Ro-Ro took a long time to produce the first litter she had this last litter 9 months later after being separated for a while from the male.Can't take any more pain so Ro-Ro is retired whether the last little one survies or not.I only breed for my own little herd anyway but no more.
Then I agree, retirement is best.
How's the surviving kit? Hope it's alright!

So far so good can't name him yet so afraid he's suddenly going to go.His mum is wonderful with him and he looks good feeding etc lively fingers toes and everything crossed (very uncomfortable lol but you know what I mean).
Well against all the odds Beau the last of the triplets has made it to weaning.He will stay with his Mum for a couple more weeks then he moves in permanently with his Dad.Can't say how relieved I am!
I love the name Beau, and am glad he made it. I'm sorry about the other 2 babies that didn't survive. Good luck with your new little guy!
So glad to her Beau is doing well! Do we get to see pictures?