my first chinchilla chi-chi

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
I got her from a craigslist add. The guy who had her could no longer care for her. She is SO sweet. She is awake alot in the day time which surprised me i thought they were nocturnal. She is SO funny. Last night i let her out to play and my 1 1/2 year old was out playing to. She kept licking his toes which tickled him and he was running away and she was chasing him. LOL. she is so awsome. im not sure what color she is. I think she is a Mosaic let me know if im wrong. Thank you





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Hi, she is a sweet looking little one. Happy you took one from CL and not a petstore.
You have come to the right place :)

A suggestion, the wheel she presently has in her cage is not good for the chinchillas for the size is too small. It can eventually cause back problems.
If you want ideas for your cage, go under the thread Ferret Nation Club, you will see plenty cages with chin safe accessories, trust me you will be amazed. Here is the link.
She is gorgeous! I love that last picture :) I believe she is a white mosaic, but i'm sure someone else will clarify whether or not that's right. Just be careful with the cage, chins usually try to chew anything they can and she may chew the plastic in the cage and get an impaction if she swallows it. Just keep an eye out! You could always replace the plastic with wood. Enjoy her! :dance3:
Aw, she sounds so sweet and what a beautiful addition to your family. Conngratulations! :D

Last night i let her out to play and my 1 1/2 year old was out playing to. She kept licking his toes which tickled him and he was running away and she was chasing him.

Your son is adorable. I guess I want to add to just be careful with that as I've read such sad stories about accidentally stepping on or tripping over a chin, there bones are so fragile.
Congrats! She's a cutie!

Aw, she sounds so sweet and what a beautiful addition to your family. Conngratulations! :D

Your son is adorable. I guess I want to add to just be careful with that as I've read such sad stories about accidentally stepping on or tripping over a chin, there bones are so fragile.

I was going to point out exactly what Sandi did. Toddlers and chins move so quickly (and a toddler's balance isn't always the best), so do use caution. I have young children (8, 7, and 5) and if they wish to be present during playtime, they are allowed to sit only. The chins love it, too. They get to use the kids as a jungle gym! :)
What a pretty chin. I love the picture of her checking out your son. Too cute.
Thank you. I plan on buying her bigger cage that doesn't have plastic. This cage came with her. She hasn't chewed on the plastic so far. And I watch the kids when she is out very carefully. The older kids sit the baby is alittle harder to sit but she tends to keep out of the way. except yesterday when she was chasing him. She has a very big intrest in the baby. Expecially when he is in his crib. She likes to check him out in there. Thanks again for the advice
awww she is a doll! Watch out white chins are the craziest :) I have four standards and 1 white mosaic, and my white is kookoo for cocoa puffs :rofl:
Awww! So cute! I LOVE the first picture. I want to caption it like a LOLcat picture:: Hoverchin
Defies gravity
But on a serious note, it is really important for you to make sure your son doesn't run around when your chinchilla is out. I don't mean to tell you what to do, it's just that I personally experienced the horror of stepping on a chinchilla.
My little baby Ivan who was 4 months old, who I had had since the day he was born...well I was trying to catch him, and in a freak accident, I stepped on him, between the shoulder blades. He died instantly, but that is little comfort when I blame myself daily for what happened. I am not trying to scare you or depress you, PLEASE don't think that, I just wanted to let you know that it is a very serious reality.