My Churtle

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009

This is her FAVORITE way to sleep. I think she's telling me that I should make her a burrow bed?
To cute! You know, I have a new design, just gotta put it together, and take a picture. It's a chinchilla Tent!! Kind of like camping out, but indoors!
Awww, cute. Hehe. A fleece tunnel would be perfect.

Lol. That thing in the upper right had corner is her tube. It's funny to watch her get under the pillow. There's a 'sun roof' on the top of her house and she bounces up and down out of it, like a fish jumping out of the water, until her head lifts the pillow. Then she scrambles underneath until she finds just the right spot.
So sweet :D
One of my chins also loves to get under the pillow – he can not fall asleep without his pillow!
Awwww she is too cute! I think she would love a burrow bed...though it seems like she's got getting under that pillow perfected :)
Reminds me of Chinchy, lol. He loves to burrow under his liner and sleep there. He'd love a tent.
Lol. That thing in the upper right had corner is her tube. It's funny to watch her get under the pillow. There's a 'sun roof' on the top of her house and she bounces up and down out of it, like a fish jumping out of the water, until her head lifts the pillow. Then she scrambles underneath until she finds just the right spot.

That is too cute! How funny. She needs a fleece burrow thing lol.