my chins neck clumps

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my chins hair is a little matted under the neck. It is not on the the chin but lower on the neck. I checked to see if she was drooling and she does not. She eats and drinks well and chews on her tools well. I was just wondering the best way to get them out.
Either a chin grooming comb or just pull them out. It'll slip like any other part of the fur that you pull on. Because chins have so many hairs per follicle, you can't unmatt them. You just have to yank them out and let the fur grow back in.
If she's not drooling I wonder what caused the mats. Make sure she doesn't have an abscess there, either. If she just got into something messy in her cage, then the above advice is good. After you get the mats out inspect the sking for any injury there.
I don't know if this is the best idea but it happened to my chin Autumn and I just used small scissors and cut it off. It did grow back nicely like it'd never happened...
thank you i will check for an injury i just think she got a little messy but i will see