My chins had an amazingly perfect introduction!

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My chins lived in cages next to eachother for two weeks. In the beginning my first chin, Dusty, was throwing an all out tantrum! It stopped after two days. Last night I decided to have them play together during playtime! After 10 minutes they hopped into one cage together and began to groom one another! I decided it was time to house them together. So I sanitized the cage I planned to put both of them in while they finnished playing. Put them in together and within 4 hours they were passed out cuddling in their hideaway hut! Other than occasiona humping to show dominance they absolutly love eachother!

That's my story! I want to hear yours now!
Just don't let your guard down yet. Continue to keep a close eye on them for awhile. That intro of moving them from playtime to into the cage together went pretty quickly and in my experience, a rushed intro leads to a scuffle more often that a intro that was taken slowly, even if they were cuddling and grooming.

Not trying to make you paranoid, just aware. I've lost several chins due to cagemate fights and they can happen out of no where.
I agree with Stacie. When I was introing my two boys after a couple weeks they were getting along great and i decided to put them in a neutral cage together. They were doing wonderfully, grooming and the likes. Well I watched them for about 3 hours and right when I was about to go to bed my oldest of the two suddenly became aggressive and I seperated them to avoid injury.
This happened in the beginning of intros and it took me 2 months to get my boys living happily together. They have been caged together now for 2 weeks with no problems but it definitely took me longer than a couple weeks to get them living together and even now they are a new pair so I check on them as often as possible just to make sure everything is okay.
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I am totally aware! LOL I sleep on the couch a foot away from the cage!
I am glad they are getting along so far, but I am hoping you either bought these chins from the same breeder or had a longer quarantine period than two weeks...It's important to watch for signs of illness before you put them together...