My chins better love me...

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
I spent last night rearranging the boys' cages after a full evening of making them new shelves. I was at a somewhat awkward angle trying to hang a shelf in the back corner and ended up tripping over myself or something..I don't even know how to explain it! But none the less I fell backwards, and out of reflex tried to catch myself. I landed weirdly on my wrist but I didn't think much of it, it just smarted quite a bit...but when I woke up this morning, it was all swollen and bruised. I ignored it and went off to class, but when trying to write notes felt like I was stabbing myself in the wrist, I decided I should probably go to the hospital.

Now I am home with a fractured wrist, a big ugly splint, and 7 chins who gave me the stink eye when I came in because I accidentally slammed the door. The things we do for our chins...I'm sure they laughed at me when they watched me fall, too! :rolleyes:

ETA...Picture of the damage...
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omg stace!!!!

i hope you heal quickly! they better give you smooches soon- and lots of them!
omg! Ouch! I am sure your chinnies love and appreciate everything you do for them ;) LOL.. they can be such little stinkers. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for you..
Gosh, Stacie. I can't believe you slammed the door. Have some consideration for goodness sake. :p

I hope you heal soon!

ETA - Just saw the picture (didn't load the first time)....OUCH :(
Ouch! I'm glad you are ok. They better give you scritches for a change.
Wow! That accident sounds like something that would happen to me: I have a big scar on my lip from walking into a bike rack (see the pic on FB), so lame. Hope you heal quickly!
Ouch! That looks painful! Hope you feel better soon......and post pics of the new cage set ups!! :)
Wow! That accident sounds like something that would happen to me: I have a big scar on my lip from walking into a bike rack (see the pic on FB), so lame. Hope you heal quickly!

Yeah..I'm a complete klutz sometimes...*sigh* The other day I walked completely into my wall when I was walking by the cages and gave Smudge some drive-by scritches. I think they have it out for me!

The splint is really helping..I opted not to take any pain meds. It really only hurts when I bend my wrist a certain way and the splint prevents me from doing it. I'll manage. Thanks everyone :))
ouch! that looks really bad. i hope it heals well. i tripped in my house on superbowl sunday. too many rum & cokes! but i had a huge bruise on my leg and felt like such a klutz.
Yeah..I'm a complete klutz sometimes...*sigh* The other day I walked completely into my wall when I was walking by the cages and gave Smudge some drive-by scritches.

Yea, I can relate. I once tripped over myself while I was seated in a chair. I know...don't ask, but it happened alright.

Hope you feel better soon!! You can just use it as an excuse to make your teacher give you copies of their notes/slides or something!