My chinchilla has Stasis!!! Need advice

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I'm hoping you mean .49kg and .5kg - a 5kg chin would be bigger than a human baby!
.49 kg is 490 grams. 1 kg = 1000 grams.

500 grams is small, but may be normal depending on the chin.
I wouldn't worry about fattening her up. If she is eating pellets and CC, she should start to slowly regain some weight.

So glad your story has a happy ending!
Ah, so she's 490 Grams then. Not going to settle for that though.. That's too low :( She's always been a small girl though. She was nursed as a kit because she was the runt of the litter. (Brothers were both black velvit twins) She was the only girl, and the youngest...

I suppose, she's not really eating enough pellets though, as all she does is crumble them- I'm guessing that is because of the dodgy job my first vet did! But my current vet said to wait until she's been given enough time to recover from what she's been throgh, as she was practically at deaths door.
He thinks it's now a tooth problem, which hopefully she'll sort out herself!
Not out of the woods yet! But slowly getting there. Thanks! :D
Bubbles may need more than 60 ccs of Critical Care a day to gain weight or even keep her current weight. Some chins need more than others. Ideally she should be eating about 2 tablespoons of pellets a day. If she is eating very few than she needs to be handfed still. I have never heard of a chin sorting tooth issues out on their own, not unless they just weren't being worn which would be the case in a chinchilla that wasn't offered enough to chew. If her teeth have spurs, etc. she may have malo. Were her teeth ever xrayed? She needs to be checked for root elongation. Without an xray it is hard to really know what is truly going on with her teeth. She could still be in pain and that could be why she isn't eating well on her own.
She's no longer grinding her teeth, she doesn't seem in much pain until she eats and she paws at her left side of her mouth. She tried to eat, but she just crumbles her food.
She's still being syringe fed with the CC. Welll, she did have an xray on her teeth by the first vet- They said they got rid of a few spurs on her teeth, but all in all her teeth seemed fine. What is malo? My vet said to give it another week until he puts her under to xray her teeth and if needed do work on her. Can malo and root elongation be treated??
Maloclussion is a disease that causes chinchillas teeth to grow in incorrectly and have elongated roots. Some chinchillas just have misalignment others have the root elongation, some have all of the symptoms. Malo can be treated but it can not be cured. There is no way to fix roots that will not stop growing. Eventually it is fatal to the chinchilla. Hopefully, she does not have malo.
She ate a few pellets tonight, and she's gnoring on her wood. So it can't be her teeth if they hurt she deffinitelty wouldn't be trying to chew wood?
or anything else at that matter. So I really don't know. Hoepfully its a dodgy job that my first vet did... Any sugestions?
My little guy with malo chewed on wood yet his teeth were very bad off. Just because a chinchilla chews doesn't mean it's not in pain. If your first vet did a bad job than it should have been caught by the second vet. As I said before without xrays you can't truly know what her teeth are like.
Maloclussion is a disease that causes chinchillas teeth to grow in incorrectly and have elongated roots. Some chinchillas just have misalignment others have the root elongation, some have all of the symptoms. Malo can be treated but it can not be cured. There is no way to fix roots that will not stop growing. Eventually it is fatal to the chinchilla. Hopefully, she does not have malo.

Malocclusion and root elongation are not one in the same. Malocclusion is the misalignment of the upper and lower dental planes, root elongation is just that, elongation of the roots. Elongation happens when to tooth crowns overgrow, either because they are not aligned and don't fit for proper grinding or because the chin has not had enough roughage or does not choose to eat enough roughage to grind the teeth. The teeth grow long to the point where there is no slack in the jaw when the jaw is at rest, the teeth are "clenched" all the time, this signals the teeth to reverse direction and grow the opposite way-up into the eye socket or down out the jaw. Elongation can be silent until its advanced and invading the eye sockets and out the jaw bone because when it happens without malocclusion the chin can still eat since there is no soft tissue damage by tooth points to cause pain.
She had xrays, and her teeth were checked. They couldn't find anything apart from her gut problem which shes still recovering from. So ill let her recover from that first before i start getting a vet to mess with her teeth :S