I have a 4 1/2 month old chinchilla kit. She is very healthy and well-cared for, but about fifteen minutes ago something strange happened. She made the terrible loud squeal that some other chinchilla sites have mentioned...although it is apparently a rare noise to hear. She was playing in her cage while I was about to go to sleep, and all of a sudden she made the noise out of nowhere!! It seriously sounded as though she was being squeezed and could not breathe. She was alone in her cage, as she is my only chin. I am absolutely terrified, and don't know what to do, being that it is nearly 3:00 AM, and no vets that I know of are available at this time. The noise that she made usually happens when chins are in pain or are suddenly frightened, and she seems to be fine now. I checked her all over and she has no cuts or visible ailments, so I don't think she is physically hurt. Chacha had suggested that she was having a stroke (as in, heat stroke), but she is kept very cool at all times. She has her own, personal fan, a chin-chiller, many frozen rocks, and our home is kept very cool in order to accommodate her (yeah, she's spoiled), so I am trying to think of other reasons why she may have freaked out like this. The room was absolutely quiet when it happened, so I don't know what could have possibly frightened her. Also, I have not given her a wheel or anything because she is still quite young, so it couldn't have been that which had hurt her in any way. I am really freaked out, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!!