My chinchi barks at me when i touch it?

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New member
Dec 29, 2011
Ok i got my chinchilla bout last week (made sure it had time to adjust) i baught it at about 10 months old and i was just wondering every time i touch him or even try to he gives me a warning barking any help would be much appreciated By the way im new here
Hes still probably adjusting and scared. Instead of trying to touch him all at once take baby steps. Just sit outside his cage and talk to him. Or if you do stuff on a laptop or read a book just do it sitting next to the cage. It will get him used to your presence.
Let him get used to you a little more before trying to hold him. Like Leomonster was saying, sit around the cage, talk to him in a soothing voice so he gets used to you and then stick your hands in the cage without trying to grab him so he can sniff you out and use you as a ledge to climb on. That was what worked with Scoops when I first got her.
China take time. The advice given above is spot on. We can't tell you how long it's going to take him to settle in, but eventually he will. My new girls have been with me for almost two months, they are still settling in. My first chinchilla was sitting on my lap two weeks after I got her. They all come around in their own time.
What everyone has already said is correct. Each chinchilla adapts at a different pace to a new environment, and time and patience is the key to bonding. My chin took at least a month to accept me, and that was because I sat by her cage as much as I could and got her used to my presence...that I was not a threat. I let her decide the pace for our bonding. I never pushed myself on her. She was 3 when I got her, and by giving her the time and space she needed to adapt to her new surroundings, we are now very closely bonded.
Yup, I agree with everyone else. Definitely give him more time. Right now he's afraid of pretty much everything, so you trying to pick him up is threatening to him.

I would recommend sitting by his cage and talking to him. You can even read a book out loud if you don't know what to say. This way he gets used to your presence and your voice.
Thanks for everybodies help, hes getting used to me he will jump up on my lap whenever i let him out, but i think he looks at my finger as food and he bites hard any ideas on how to get him to stop
It could be that hes still learning. I noticed when my last two girls were born that when they nibbled/bite it was always relay hard. I could see they ment no harm, but it still hurt alot. It just took them time to learn that they can only apply so much pressure.
My chin does this and hes already used to me. i think he is just moody. lol
Cause the moment he comes out hes all over me
When he bites, tell him "no" and continue what you were doing. do not give in and pull away when he bites. Pulling away or putting him back in his cage teaches him to bite to get what he wants. When you don't five in, they learn that biting does not get them what they want and will stop biting.
I was going to offer advice but then realized that the original posting was a month and a half ago... How's the bonding going? Is he still barking and skittish?