My chin is smelling somewhat awful

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I just got Pongo yesterday and he already is smelling up my whole room/bathroom area. I'm not really sure why this is happening, when I did research on the animal before I got him I kept seeing that they don't smell and as long as you keep the cage clean you won't have a problem with the smell. I'm a little concerned that something is wrong and if there isn't anything wrong I would like to know what I can do to help with the stench. Any ideas?
Kayla :)
You've only had him for a day and his cage smells already? What kind of bedding are you using? What kind of feed is he on? Do you use tap water or filtered water? Is he getting startled a lot so that he releases a musky odor? How does his fur look? Is he all matted and maybe smelling bad because he hasn't been properly dusted?

Normally, no, chins don't smell or have very little odor. If you are smelling a strong odor, then you need to try and eliminate the why of it. If you can answer the questions above, that might help us help you.