My chin is amazing me!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Just have to pass on how much my tootie has came around just in the last week or so. I had alot of questions on how to get him to come out of his cage without scaring him and also alot of other new chin owner questions. What I have done that has really worked great is putting two exercise pens together giving him really alot of space to play. I put the pen which has a door up to his cage giving him the ability to come out on his own which he loves. I also just installed a chin spin and he loves this so much. I had purchased one of those feed feeder spins and he just ignored it. His personality is so much fun he plays like a monkey running and leaping back and forth into his cage. I donnot leave him unattended while he plays and when he gets tired I just close the door and he can`t get out. This little animal is such a joy I get into the pen with him and he sits on me and really seems to be playing. Iv`e only had him alittle longer than a month but what progress he`s made is amazing!!! I thought maybe I would get him a cagemate but I`ve rethought that reading your suggestions. He is very happy and I don`t want to chage anything!!!:thumbsup:
Congratulations. They are amazing little animals, aren't they. I just love them to pieces. Have never had so much fun just sitting and watching another animal in my life, let alone having them out for playtime and spending time with them. They are wonderful. I will be owned by chins for life!
Keep up the good work! Now you know why they are so addictive. There will always be at least one chin in my life as long as I have anything to say about it.
Sounds like you're doing a great job with him! Keep up the good work!:))