My chin holiday card...

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
Meanie's note cards inspired me to let you see mine. Some of you
have already received these note cards from me when I made them
this spring only without the holiday theme. I thought this new
version came out pretty good. I'm thinking about using them for
our family's christmas card, what do you think?

[the back side and the front]

[the inside of the card]
Thanks guys! I so wish I could take some good pics of my other babies and include them but they are such goobers right now and Ebony has even begun charging at me, that little stinker.
SO CUTE! And I agree with Stacie...there's no way I'd be able to get my zoo in one picture. *sigh*
Thanks :)) and yep, the only way to get all four of my chins in a card would be to photoshop Ebony and Ivory in seperately, ugh.