My chin has bad breath?

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New member
Apr 23, 2011
My chin recently had surgery on her nose :( I have been feeding her Oxbow Critical Care everyday! recently I have noticed her breath smells! im not sure if its from her food or fra om a tooth problem that was overlooked? her front teeth are yellow which the vet said is good and her poop is dark brown and how its suppost to be ! so I cant think of nething else that would make her breath smell?
What kind of surgery did she have? It sounds like there could be an infection. I would take her back to the vet.
She fractured a bone in her nose :( ! its been a week or so I guess the infection just started to form? I was thinking her food? But it might be an infection! I heard feeding them yogurt can help is that true?
Feeding yogurt is not going to help a sinus infection. If that's what she has going on, or an infection from the break, she needs antibiotics from the vet.
Alright thanks ! I wasnt sure ! I just fed her and now her breath is fine? Its SO weird ! Ill just take her to the vet to see whats going on ! Its just scary with Antibiotics ! The Chin breeder i got her from said never let chins take antibiotics but im sure its worth a try ! Thanks Yall !
If your chinchilla has an infection, she may well need antibiotics. Chinchillas can and should take them for an infection.
If your "breeder" said chins can never have antibiotics, I would fine a new breeder who actually knows what they are talking about. There are several antibiotics that chins can take safely. If chins could NOT take antibiotics, there would be many less chins in the world, including quite a few on this forum.
I heard feeding them yogurt can help is that true?

If you are on antibiotics, eating yogurt helps re-store the good bacteria that the antibiotic is taking away.
I do this when I have a sinus infection and am on amoxicillin.
I don't think this goes for chins with infections. (With those touchy digestive systems..)

I agree with what tunes said about the breeder..
Good luck.
Chinchillas can not process dairy and it can make their situation worse with upset stomachs. Besides that fact, the amount of probiotic present in yogurt is not really enough to make a difference. It is best to just buy acidophilus in capsule form from a grocery or drug store and suppplement that way. I like to shoot for 10 billion count plus, the more the better.
Just because a pet store sells it, doesn't mean that it is ok for a chin to have it. There are plenty of things at the pet stores that can be deadly to chinchillas.
Just because a pet store sells it, doesn't mean that it is ok for a chin to have it. There are plenty of things at the pet stores that can be deadly to chinchillas.

I know, I don't buy anything treat wise from a pet store. My comment was saying that adds to how horrid they already are.