My chin barks daily?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Marika has take up to barking almost everyday, and she barks softly when I try to pick her up. I read this could be a way to get attention. Could this also be used to get attention from her mom or is it just a way of communicating with humans?

She also continues to use the sounds she did when she was only a few weeks old around her mom.

She seems very needy for attention from her mom, and yet her mom is the one with the chewed whiskers.

Can chins be that dependent on another chinchilla?
Could be both. If I remember correctly, this is the kit that was weaned recently? As long as she's eating, etc etc and doing the normal chin things, barking daily is normal. I have chins who bark in their sleep and for no reason it seems.
She was weaned about a month ago, at the beginning of May. I hear from her brother's owner from time to time, and don't think they are doing the same thing Marika does.

She is acting perfectly fine, and is actually quite a pain in the rear towards her mom. Always stealing things from her.

Thanks for the info. Just wasn't expecting baby cries after she was weaned.