My camera hog!

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Michelle (:

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Chicago suburbs
Mel was being cute as usual...had to share a couple of my favorites. I took a ton of pics!





At every picture, I said to myself "This is the cutest picture ever!" and then I would scroll down to the next one and say "No, THIS is the cutest picture ever!" and so on and so on all the way down! Mel has just the cutest fuzzy little face. What a sweetheart.
What a beautiful hog! What clear pics! If you don't mind me asking what kind of camera and more specifically what kind of lense are you using? Thanks!
you are so right, you can tell he just loves that carmera..

he's really really cute.

Thanks everyone :)

What a beautiful hog! What clear pics! If you don't mind me asking what kind of camera and more specifically what kind of lense are you using? Thanks!

Its my sisters camera so I'm not sure what it is. It says Nikon D5000 on the front and I'm not sure what lense is in.
Those are excellent pictures, and so clear! Well, of course the beautiful subject had tons to do with it, but the camera helped a little. :)